Thursday, July 15, 2010

No Turning Back

So here I sit with an e-mail typed up to several close friends, revealing the existence of this blog. My narcissism has reached an all-time high. I worry what others will think, but that's a constant state of being for me. Writing things down has always helped me process what I'm thinking/feeling at the moment. Really, this blog is just a series of random free-writes focused on whatever's been bouncing around my neurotic little brain.

Maybe there are some things that shouldn't be shared. I'm not sure if I know where that line is. Maybe this is a good way to find out. Of course, what will actually happen after all this hand-wringing is a total lack of interest by others. I'm good with that. Best case scenario may very well be that everyone will pretend this blog doesn't exist.

But I have this itch to write. And so write I shall. I'm not asking for other people to like it, or even to bother reading. I just feel like I need to put it out there. A tentative desire to be known.

Alright, I hit "Send". Let's see what happens.


  1. Blogging is extremely theraputic, and while it is really done for you it is also really important to know that someone out there, somewhere cares enough to read it. I don't think you're being narcisistic (I feel like I spelled that wrong...), I think you're being real and that's good. :)
