Wednesday, September 22, 2010


It's that time of year again - the season of political campaign ads. Every commercial break there seems to be some smarmy politician patting themself on the back or sticking a knife into someone else's. I hate politics for a variety of reasons, but part of it is my inherent distrust of anyone with a Vision.

"But Steve," you say, "vision is good! We need people with vision, it's how things get done!"

Well imaginary person, I'll certainly give you that. I actually believe vision is a good and necessary thing as well. My distrust of Vision stems from my own past failures.

What I've learned from past experience is that it's possible to elevate Vision over people. That there can come a point where the needs of the individual must be subjugated so that the Vision can flourish. That in my passion to see the Vision fulfilled, I can lose sight of the importance and value of the people around me.

So I have vowed to not let Vision trump people in the future. Will I still screw up? Without a doubt. But by the grace of Father I hope to be more aware of the needs of individuals. I hope to have a vision that serves people, instead of demanding that people serve the Vision.