Monday, October 18, 2010


So I just started reading Through Painted Deserts by Donald Miller. It's about (as far as I can tell so far) his journey from Houston, Texas to Oregon. Having just been to the Pacific Northwest about a month ago (and wanting desperately to leave Upstate NY), I figured it would be a good read.

Right from the very beginning the theme of leaving has captured me. I have a hard time leaving anything if I don't have something specific already lined up for my next step. I'm getting to the point where I just want to leave, to strike out on some adventure with only the vaguest destination in mind.

I've always equated lacking a plan with being irresponsible. I'm bound by the fear of things not working out, the fear of finding out that what's "out there" is actually worse than what I know here. But now it seems that I may be reaching the point where it's just worth it to take the chance.

I feel my life has been split into a number of pieces and parceled out to all my obligations and expectations. A job and a wife. Rent and a car payment. Even my fantasy football teams demand some attention. I feel trapped, even . . . lost? At the very least unsure of where I am. And completely clueless as to where I am going. I am not living life. Life is consuming me.

Ok, so I thought I was going somewhere with this, but now my wife has some sort of wedding dress shopping show on TV and my brain is trying to crawl out my ear. I doubt I had anything profound to say. But I will be giving some thought to the idea that making a move without having everything lined up in advance may not be a bad thing. Being open to change and adventure could actually be a very good thing.

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