Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Who's the Enemy?

I've been working late since my boss has been on vacation. Yesterday afternoon after everyone else had gone home I got a phone call from someone who is . . . well, not my favorite person. He's incredibly difficult to deal with, snarky in tone and unpleasant in general. This is someone who doesn't really care about anything other than getting his own way, regardless of what it costs or who he has to manipulate. We had a difficult conversation regarding a particular matter, and I found it amazing how one day (or in this case, the rest of the week) can be so easily ruined by one person.

This morning, as I've been working more on this matter, I've found myself so angry with this person that I frankly wanted to punch them in the face. The sheer selfishness and disregard for others enraged me. For the past few hours I've struggled in the midst of this, trying to not be overwhelmed by bitterness and resentment.

It's so easy to take offense to being walked on, to having my competence questioned. It's so easy to dig in my heals, draw the line in the stand, and refuse to back down. It's so easy to fly to the defense of self, to the defense of my pride.

Father, give me eyes to see this person. Give me a heart of understanding, to look for ways to bring healing to brokenness. Father, you have loved me with love unfailing. Forgive me for failing so quickly to love others.

Matthew 5:3 (The Message) - You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.


  1. I called you on Tuesday the 20th at 5:05 pm. Screw you Steve.



  2. You're funny Dan. No really, you are. Freaking hilarious. :D
